About the artist

Julian Bustos.

I am an artist residing in Argentina, more specifically in Bariloche, in Patagonia (very south of South America).

An art enthusiast for as long as I can remember, I dedicated my entire life to drawing for pleasure. studied art at the National University of La Plata (UNLP). But the real learning began later with the study and comprehension of human consciusness, creativity process of the soul, dreams and limits of reality.

I worked for a long time in teaching, I did tattoos, I did photography, I made animation stoyboars, ceramics, comics... but the discipline that I enjoy the most is freelance illustration, where I allow myself to draw what I like most of the time, where I dive into my artwork, lose track of time and enter into incredible worlds that many times to doubt if they really exist.

Robots and plants

In Latin America we have a very special respect for the so-called "sacred plants", and through my art I always try to convey that respect, or I look for a way to include it in my works, where through science fiction I allow myself to humanize plants and robots as beings.

I really like working on this series of Robot-plants that not only can think, but can also feel, meditate, contemplate, cultivate, admire. But above all, they can feel enormous love for cultivation, for plants, for caring for them, respecting them and watch them grow.

With my works I like to make the viewer reflect and consider the essence of consciousness, both human and plants, and even objects, crystals, machines.

The creative process

Although Photoshop is a beautiful tool that I have been using for years and saves me many hours of work, especially when it comes to coloring, I am old school artist and I cannot avoid drawing on paper, both the previous sketches and the drawing, final inked with Indian ink (Usually I send this drawing to my clients along with a print as optional to the diginal producto).

But not evrything is personal commissions. I also like in my free times painting watercolour, gouache, sometimes oil painting. And do some psychedelic drawings. I am thinking to start posting some of them soon.